clear up

clear upclear up1.把…收拾整齐, 打扫干净Shall we clear up before we go out?我们是不是在出去前把东西收拾好?When you finish your dinner, please clear up the kitchen.吃完晚饭后, 请你将厨房收拾干净。That's twice today that room has been cleared up.那个房间今天已经打扫两次了。2.治疗, 治愈This skin disease will clear up in a day or two.这种皮肤病一两天之内就会好的。This herbal medicine will soon clear up your cold.这种草药能很快治好你的感冒。3.处理, 完成I'd like to clear up my work by the weekend.我想在周末前做完我的工作。The matter has been cleared up.事情已经解决。4.(天空)放晴The sky is overcast now, but I think it will clear up soon.现在天色阴沉, 不过我想马上就会转晴的。5.解释, 消除They hope to clear the matter up quickly.他们希望很快就能把事情弄个水落石出。Then the question had better be cleared up at once.那么, 这个问题最好马上就澄清。

clear up1.整理,清理,收拾:They always clear up their bedrooms before they go out.他们在出去之前总要先把房间收拾好。2.澄清(误会等);消除(疑虑等);解决(问题等):He cleared up the question of his absence in the presence of all his classmates.他当着全班同学的面澄清了他缺席的疑团。3.(天气)变晴;(脸色)开朗起来:It looks as though it might clear up.看起来天好像要转晴。Her face cleared up when she read the letter.她读信时面露喜色。4.治好,使…好转:His cold has cleared up now.他的伤风现已好转。5.完成;结束:I'll clear up the rest of the work in a week.我将在一周内完成剩余的工作。6.[俚语]停止使用麻醉品

见:clear: clear up